We have a 14-day return policy, allowing you 14 days from receiving your item to request a return and refund/exchange.


To initiate a return, you may contact us at support@aussievalley.com or via our "Contact Us" page. If accepted, we will provide a return shipping label and instructions on where to send the package. Items sent back without prior approval will not be accepted.

Customers may be responsible for the return shipping costs in some instances including (but not limited to):

    • You have received your order and have changed your mind
    • The order or specific products in the order were placed by mistake
    • You found the product cheaper elsewhere
    • Misused the product in any way that caused the damage or against our advice
    • Decided you had no use for it
    • Knew or were made aware of the faults before purchasing the product.
    • If you have received the item within the timeframe specified in our Shipping Information but it does not align with your personal timeframe

    Upon receipt of the returned items:

    • For Exchanges: We will process the replacement item/s to be shipped out within 24 to 48 hours.


    • For Refunds: Your refund will be processed within 5-10 business days, excluding public holidays and weekends. For refund-related queries, please allow at least 5 business days after the refund has been processed, then contact your bank and then contact us. In most cases, refunds should not take longer than 10 business days, depending on the banking institution. 



    Damages and Issues: Inspect your order upon receipt and notify us immediately if the item is defective, damaged, or incorrect. We'll assess the issue and rectify it. Photo or video evidence is required to determine damage or malfunction before initiating returns.

    Please use our products with care, as any damage caused by substances or liquids after the 14-day period is not eligible for return.

    Exercise due diligence and research product details, sizing, and functionality before placing an order.

    Thank you for your choosing Aussie Valley!😊